Tuesday, June 17, 2008


My 'muhmie'.

Ms Happy Wong! =D

Mother and Daughter.

Who takes us swimming. XD

She's really cool.

Love her to bits! XD


ღº ıva:nna: ºღ says:
hahaha we're both online but chattin thru my blog
ღº ıva:nna: ºღ says:
Happy is not happy says:
Happy is not happy says:
ღº ıva:nna: ºღ says:
ღº ıva:nna: ºღ says:


This is not the first time too. Hahahaha. Somehow I don't know why.. LOL. That's my beloved mummy!!! =D She's the brainiest among us and really sweet too. Love her to bits!! Hehehe. Can't wait to see her again!! Was supposed to meet up for a swim earlier but plans were cancelled due to heavy rain. No wait. Correction. Was supposed to meet up for bball and a swim!! Oh well.. Then we were supposed to go Sharing Planet but AGAIN!!! Plans were cancelled. Sigh. Oh well. =D Happy!! Gotta admit I'm the best daughter right?? XD Weeeehhh!! Hehehehe.

3rd post done!!! I'm gonna continue eating my dragonfruit now and head to bed before Stella Pick scolds me off. =P