Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dance my heart out.

That's what I wanna do. =)


Bought the white dress today during my break after my 1115 class. Went to collect my salary first. WEEHHHH!!! XD Headed to Spring then to meet up with Suleen babe and Caryn darling. Before that, DONUTS!! Stella told me to buy em for her. LOL. The queue was DEFINITELY long. Okay maybe not that long but I had to queue up for about 15-20 mins and my legs were tired. Plus, ankle. See!! I'm sooo nice. LOL. Anyway, Suleen and Caryn wanted to BOO me but I turned around and saw them. XD Sent the donuts to Stella, rushed upstairs to buy the dress. One for me. One for sis. =) Then rushed off to Food & Tea for lunch lunch. =D Had egg and ham sandwich and watermelon juice. I chomped everything down. Why? *clears throat*

I woke up to my alarm at 8 this morning. Figured it's too early and was thinking whether to set it to 830 or 9. Well, I fell asleep halfway thinking. =( So in the end I woke up at 1042. Realized that it's way too late to eat since my class starts at 1115 and I can't cook, shower, eat, change, get ready in 18 mins. Grabbed the small pack of Tasty Stick Biscuits and ate while changing. AFTER I showered. Tied my hair, got my contact lenses on, washed my bottle, filled it up, added the teabag, got my things and rushed out of the house. It was already 1107 when I left the house. FINALLY arrived my dance academy at 1115. Rushed upstairs and went in just in time. *breathes*


So you must be wondering, how can a person fall asleep while setting the alarm? XD Yeah I do. My alarm is very noisy and I wake up to it EASILY. =D Anyway, Stella, Joanne, Sharon and another guy and girl came to join us but we left after a while. Went to Cool and got drinks then headed back to academy. Got some fruits and waited for next class. 4-630. So, I'm exhausted. =D Hehehehe. Came home and no idea. But all I know, TIME IS PASSING SOOOOO SLOOOWWW TONIGHT!!!!! =( Fuuhhh.. Kill me. Sigh. Anyway, I'm gonna stop here. Goodnight!! =D

I'm sitting right next to the tv and it was left with no one watching but now currently watching a really funny nice cute Korean movie with sis. LOL. Okay. Goodnight! =)

My ankle is hurting. Yay. =)

I'm gonna do 50 sit ups now.

And 50 ankle toe exervises. =)


  1. I sometimes fall asleep while setting the alarm too...
    but only when I'm really really exhausted...

  2. hehehehe i seldom fall asleep..guess i was really really tired..
