Monday, July 7, 2008

Sick. =(

I'm seriously sick. With the flu. I hope not. I hope it's just a cold. My nose is being really runny. =( I'm going to Damai tomorrow. How am I gonna have fun with a blue nose........ =( *depressed* So... don't expect any updates from me on Tuesday night.. =) Promise I'll come back with lots of pictures.. Again.. =) I'm gonna die from blogging. Blogging is killing me. Seriously. Though, I've got nothing else better to do so I'm opting for blogging than lazying. Anyway, I'm gonna stuff myself full with watermelon and go sleep then. =) I've had a long day today and gonna have a long day again now I'll be going Damai with my family. =) Don't miss me while I'm gone......... Kidding. =)

I miss Caryn.. =(
I miss Happy.. =(


  1. You better get some good rest, Ivanna...

    Once again, have a good trip!
