Friday, February 8, 2008

led to confusion.

I am REALLY BORED till I wrote this post. =)

Was watching Beauty & The Beast with sis earlier during dinner. I fell asleep halfway during the sweet romantic dinner part anyway. =P Don't blame me!! I'm awfully tired. Wait..I WAS. =D Anyway, in my previous previous previous post, I mentioned bout the movie that I watched on TV and how love is cheap. [My brain is definitely not functioning well as I keep thinking of that four letter word.] =P Anyway, the cartoon I watched [lazy to type the long name =D] was awfully touching. I can watch it over and over again [I know I should grow up. =P] but anyway, I think it's an awfully sweet love story. But then again, FAIRY TALES!!!! =P So obviously as you can see.. *clears throat* love is.. priceless. [again. =)]

Actually I just have one thing to say,

Beauty is not in the eye of the seeker,
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
[did I get it right?]

Beauty comes from inside. So..... Never judge a book by its cover? Hmm.. I'm not making any sense. Hehe.


I'm sick.. =(
My fingers are freezing cold now while I'm typing this and actually I'm feeling awfully cold inside outside upside downside leftside rightside. *shrugs* I'm actually wearing a sweater zipped to my neck over my home wear shirt and two pairs of pants. Overall, I'm STILL COLD!! =( Sis thinks I've fever and wanted to feed me panadol. But I told her it's all in my head. =D And I think.....I'm going to vomit soon. =D

To be on the safe side, let me end this post so if I somehow vomit, I wouldn't vomit on my laptop. =)