Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't know.

Sat - WHOLE OF SARAWAK BLACK OUT. =( It started when I was on the way home from ballet. Dad called to buy batteries and candles. The jam was everywhere!! But mum used a shortcut so we didn't get stuck in any. *phew* Got home, showered, plans all upside down. Still.. Suleen came to pick me about 9. The electricity was back on already. Except in certain areas. Suleen's and mine black out twice. Anyway, there were busy cooking. Dinner. =S Good thing I had mine at home first. XD

Angel hair spaghetti with Suleen's home made sauce and cheese and Alvin's buttered corn.

The butter toasts.

Alvin's home made mushroom with celery soup.

Enjoying their good food.

Yummy yummy.

Well I tried. And for Suleen's pasta, I'll rate a 4/5. =) It IS nice actually. Just that it was rather dry and a bit tasteless but still awesome. Especially with the bread. *clap clap* So much for not having any talent huh babe? It's in you. Just gotta seek it out. (;


After. LOL

Trying to hide it.

Suleen was washing up the dishes! It was quite a shock for us since she normally tells us to leave it to the maid. XD

Good bread.

Someone threw away the barely used mosquito coil.

At point blank.

What's with the knife...?



Why that face?

Picking the bread.




We were gonna watch DVD but got delayed delayed delayed then there was the moment I took Alvin's car out to McD and 7-11 to get ice creams for them and Slurpee for myself. It took me a whole 10 mins long just to find a parking. Darn PACKED due to the stalls of food blablabla. =.= Went back. Online, then watched Ratatouille. Suleen hasn't watch it yet. I was falling asleep so they were being awfully nice to pause the movie and send me home first which I then fell into deep sleep!! Woke up for church.

Mummy finally got me a full length mirror so I don't have to keep climbing up and down my bed to check the mirror. XD

Came home and slept again after church. Woke up, went for class, came home, destressed myself. XD Oh yea.. I got em bruises again. =S


Today. =S I know. Worse than ever. Too much of kneeling during the new dance that we're learning. *gulps* Oh well.. =)


P/S : I've listed out my schedule on the right margin. So if you babes and dudes make any plans or anything and wanna know when I'm free, my schedule is there. =D

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