Saturday, March 28, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
so much.
so much for a beautiful 180 degrees super stretched and straight grande jetes i bummed my right ankle and yeah. the feeling is great. nothing beats what a ‘great’ day i’ve had. my dance partner s*cks. i suddenly hate dancing.
Friday, March 20, 2009
dubs dubs.
So yeah.. I was just thinking recently. That.. Once I reach the 1000th post, I’ll shut my blog down. What say you guys?? It’s my decision but if the rest of you still wanna read I’ll keep it and of course, update it. =)
Tomorrow’s Saturday.. Went dancing in Swin earlier.. We were ‘deserted’ by the other dancers so yeah it was only Ah Zoo, Daniel and me. It was brief but yeah. Not bad. =) Tomorrow’s gonna be another day. And Sunday too. Which reminds me. I’ve some choreography to do!! =S So yeah. Toodley toots!! =D
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
…post. =) Yeah. I’ve blogged sooooo much I don’t believe it myself either. I’m just blogging out of randomness now. I’m just bored. And the fact that I’ve not seen my darling the entire day, I’m gorilla deprived!!!!! =( I’ve not seen him for more than 24 hours. And I won’t be seeing him much. Why?? He’ll be leaving to SG tomorrow evening. And during the day he’ll be in uni and I won’t get to see him till 4+ to send him to the airport. And I really feel like hugging him now. =( Like I said, I’m gorilla deprived!!!! =( *sighs*
I miss camwhoring with you… =(
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My gorilla is super sweet. I wasn’t feeling well and still not feeling very well. *gastric* Woke up at 3, felt like throwing up but to no avail. Woke up at 5, nothing again. Woke up at 7, nothing again. Woke up at 9, by a peck on my cheek. It was my gorilla!!!! He told me he’ll come over to sayang me but I didn’t manage to send my reply to him so he came anyway and woke me up with a kiss and sayang sayang me till I felt better and I fell back to sleep after he left. And finally woke up at 3smth. I woke up few times actually. And due to the fact that I couldn’t stand the wanting to throw up feeling and the very very very hungry feeling, I decided to eat the last red bean bun and went back to sleep after. And when I finally woke up at 3, I made chicken scrambled eggs. It was YUMMY! =D cooking is fun if you dare to explore the world of great tastes. =D Anyway, I’m gonna shower now as my gorilla will be picking me up soon and we’re going off to dance. More like teach dance. I’m just gonna help assist him. =D
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
It’s 6!!!!
6!!! Months!!! I… soooooo can’t believe it. Time is really flying!! XD
Happy 6months!!! XD
It’s been a rather ‘long’ day for me. Not like most of you will know why except of course my darling and my sayangs whom I just complained to. Ahh.. The love of my life.. She’s always there for me to brag or complain or just cry to. I know I’m a bugger at times but I’m sure she loves me too much to even care that I’m a bugger. Especially during one of my hard times last year when she came all the way to cheer me up and hugged me so I’ll stop crying while her dearest munkey went all around Kuching to buy watermelon. Aww.. How sweet of them. I really miss them both HEAPS though. It’s been reaaaallllyy long since I last hung out with them.. Which reminds me… BABEEEE!!! YOU SAID YOU WANNA GO ‘SHOPPING’ WITH ME!!!! =( And you never called me. *sob sob* XD hehehehe. Love you boohs. Kakaka. Time flies really fast. I’ll be starting sem again very soon. It’s like.. next.. next.. WEEK!!!! *gasps* I’m not sure if I’m actually ready for it but yeah I guess I am then.. I should be. Right?? *gulps* Other than that, SPM results are out tomorrow. Good luck to those. =) Also.. The time on my laptop now says 11:50pm. In 10 mins time it would be another special day. And what’s more special is, this time we’re really gonna be together to go past midnight. =D Therefore, I’ll be back! =D At the mean time…
I love my blue-ish eyes.
I miss teddy at home.
I can’t wait to cuddle my boyfriend.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I am VERY happy!!!! XD
Know why now? XD I really didn’t expect this and yeah so now I’m really really jumpy I’m jumping around madly and feeling very very agitated. =D It was really unexpected and RAWR!!!!!!! I’m just excited.. Hehehehe. I love my certificate. Hehehehe. XD
Not trying to have a nose growing longer than Pinochio’s but yeaaahhh!!! I mean with my ankle aching and stuff… This… THIS!!! Is REALLLLYYYY unexpected!!! XD RAWR!!!! =D
Saturday, March 7, 2009
after being gone for soooo long……
anyone missed me? XD haha. *thick face* =P let’s see. I have nothing much to update. my parents are gone in Darwin so I’m all alone in Kuching. No no no don’t take me wrongly. They did not leave me here. I chose to stay here to work. =) Besides, my sis is coming back and someone HAS TO accompany her and bring her around right? (; Hehehe. Anyway, am here in my darling’s house now online and yeah. UPDATING FOR THOSE WHO MISSED ME!!! (as if anyone did =P) Life has been… normal. No ups and no downs. Just that yeah. I’ve been kept busy at work and also.. My darling’s birthday on Tuesday (0303)!! My laptop’s batt is dying but yeahhh. I’m making an effort to blog. XD Hehehe. So my darling received a lot of pressies for his 21st but I assume the best give for him is everyone’s presence though he thinks the best is what I gave him which now he brings EVERYWHERE with him!! Hehehe. *bangga* More than that, we had a lot of FUN!! =D Yeah. That includes the surprise I gave him. Though yeah. I actually went round the whole place and kinda thought I reached a dead end and was lost. =P Hahahah! So much for claiming I am a
good driver. =P and Yeahhh!! I couldn’t ask him for directions as… I blindfolded him. =P And he nearly spoiled his own surprise by guessing where I’m bringing him to. Hmph!! =( so much for trying to be an awesome girlfriend. =P Hehehe. Just kidding darling don’t come smacking me or biting me or tickling me after reading this yeah. =P But yeah. It was AWESOME!! =) To be there to be the first to wish him and everything… You know.. The feeling.. It’s just A-W-E-S-O-M-E!! Not only because I’m trying to be the best but because I know I AM the best. Else he wouldn’t have asked me to be his girlfriend right? =) Bleh. Enough of the boring blabs. =) I’m tired from work and yeaaahhhhhh I feel like I need a life. Heeheehee. Who am I to complain?? When there are sooo many out there looking for a job I’m here complaining I need a life. *smacks head* Sometimes I should shut up… I think.. But yeah I’m never right. XD So I think. LOL. Now I’m feeling
consufed confused. I’m merely blanking out here actually. I guess I have nothing much to update. Oh yeah. Last Sunday, after breakfast, my darling and I did something we’ve never done before. XD We… went.. to.. SANTUBONG BEACH!!! XD Explains the beach picture? XD It was a random suggestion of plan so there we went and walked a bit before we realised we’ll either be drowning rats or barbequed pigs. XD Teeheehee. I can’t describe my feeling now. I’m agitatedly excited for no absolute reason so yeahhh. I’m kinda blabbing here. Anyway.. Gonna see my darling soon. I missed him soooo MUCH!!!! Now we’re both rather busy and caught up especially him with uni, we’re
seeing each other less but we have till Saturday! =D Not telling anyone why. XD I’m missing a lot of people in my life actually. And one of them, is clearly stated in the picture on the right now. XD Hehehe. Yes babe!! I miss you!! TONNES!!! Hehehe. I sooo feel like squishing you now. Hehehe. Anyway, I’m gonna stop here. I’ll update again soon. Hehehe. Don’t miss me too much while I’m gone. I won’t guarantee an update that soon as yeah. I’m kinda lazy. If anyone wants to know, my laptop was asleep in the bag for more than a week. XD That’s how lazy I was to even take it out of the bag. Hehehehe. But yeah. Nothing interesting has been going on in life and even if there is, I wouldn’t wanna share it. =P It’s my life and it’s not like anyone is interested in what’s going up or down in my life. Right? XD Or maybe that’s just me thinking. Hehehehe. So here ends my post after soooo long! =D Hehehe. And darling,
I hope you had a great 21st. =)
I love you! =D
*yessss that’s an oreo cheese cake that I made specially for him. Hehehe.*
Hungry eh? =P
With love…

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