Start of the day at work, I braced myself for more challenges. Ahhh... Breakfast first.
Why that face??
Cause she thinks her buns look like coconuts. =.= She made me laugh so hard I nearly fell off the cushion stool. XD
Changed my hair style today. Was trying the chopstick my sister got for me from Japan. =D
Anyway, I started Ms. J's second assignment for me once I reached there. =)
Working on it.
Suleen wanted to take pics of my hair.
Still working on it.
Finished so I got vain. =D
And she still haven't touch her breakfast. =.=
Ms. J came to collect the cup and the door knob sign while I was halfway done with the sign. She said she told her daughter and her daughter is SUPER excited to see the sign. Anyway, she was pleased with the cup. It's the one with the butterflies. Then she assigned me with more work to do. 4 more mugs. And I have to write chinese characters for one of it which I don't know HOWWW am I gonna do that cause I know zilch bout chinese. =S I started working on the toughest assignment.
Ms. J : Ivannaaaa, okay let me tell you what I want. I want 4 mugs, *blablablablablabla* *explaining the designs for the son's, the godsons, the daughter's [doomed]* Okay maybe for my daughter's one you can draw one of the disney princesses?
Me : O.o Er.. Yeah sure..
Ms. J : Yeah okay cause she likes those stuff and maybe for my son you can draw cars those things?
Me : Uhuh.. Yeah sure no problem..
Ms. J : Okay *blablablablabla* I'll collect them tomorrow then?
Me : Ahhh tomorrow? Might not be able to finish then soon then. Maybe only 2 or 3 of it?
Ms. J : In that case.. Hmm.. Okay let me tell you which is more important first.. *blablablablablablabla*
Me : Uhuh.. Okay sure. Yeah no problem. *smiles*
Ms. J : Okay thanks Ivanna!
Me : No problem!
Tomorrow is SATURDAY!!! It's my OFF DAYYY!!!! =(
Cinthy Che : Wah tomorrow overtime?
Me : Hehehe.
Ms. J : Huh? Overtime?
Cinthy Che : Yeah cause tomorrow is their off day.
Ms. J : Oh no wonder she said she might not be able to get them done. Okay so maybe you just get one done for me. I need it by Sunday. Is that alright?
Me : Yeah okay no problem.
Cinthy Che : Haha she can finish it. But have to see her mood.
Ms. J : Yeah I understand. Artists need to be in the right mood to work otherwise they won't feel the inspiration.
Cinthy Che : Yeah can I'm sure she can finish it. As long as I don't give her other things to do and let her spend the whole day with the mugs.
Me : *eyes widen*
Ms. J : Yeah okay so I guess that's all now so I'll come back tomorrow. Alright byeee!!
First thing in my head, STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh.. Work on the toughest..
Ariel! On paper first.
Has anyone ever seen me with curly hair? =D
Gahhhh... Stressed. Taking a break from Ariel.
Working on the most important one first.
My Japanese Samurai. XD
Done with the cup. =D Back.
Starting on Ariel.
Suleen took this and said this is my 'I'm stressed stop taking pictures of me expression.' XD
I finished drawing Ariel. Was hungry and stressed and tired and my whole body was aching from sitting down for hours. =(
She kept taking pictures of me.
Been sitting down for so long till my butt flattened.
My apple seems never ending. =D
Now, let me introduce. =) *ahem*
ARIELLLL!!!!!!!!! Trust me, it was soooo hard to get the right skin tone till it wasn't smooth anymore cause the paint was super thick. =S
Anyway was on the phone with baby. Felt so stressed till I cried on the phone while talking to him and he was asking me to go over and eat cause I've not eaten the whole day but I didn't get to cause I had to finish working on my assignment first. =( Sorry baby.. Went to Sushi King again after that with Suleen and we ate a lot but actually it wasn't a lot.
Not much rite? We were awfully full. BLOATED. =(
I burnt my tongue. And she was making fun of me. =(
Yes. Her!
With her dumdum-ness. =P
But I still love her. Hehehe.
Someone printed the poster left-right-right-left. XD
Oh yea, my dumdum-ness was making fun of me before we went to Sushi King. There were three wedding studios doing road show and when we walked past, 2 representatives handed me the leaflet.
Me : Do I look like I'm getting married??
Suleen : LoL!!!
Me : Or maybe they just want me to be their model. XD
Suleen : Nawww it's because you look old.
Me : =.= No I don't..
Suleen : Yes you doooo... Actually you look older than me. XD
Me : @^@&*&!%
My Wedding Collection. Funny pose. The girl looks naked. =X
Wedding Touch Studio. What kinda picture is that?
Alvin came over and when we were going up there was this guy handing flyers and he just had to miss the people in front of me and pass the flyer to me. =.=
Home's Harmony Bed and Bath.
Again, dumdum-ness made fun of me.
DD : Hahahaha!!!!!! First you were asked to get married. Now you're asked to prepare a house!!
Me : =.= Whattttt... Oh yea I got two wedding flyers does that mean I'm gonna marry twice? Like marry then divorce or something then remarry?? Huh huh huh??
DD : Maybe??? Hahahahhahahaha!!!!
Me : =.= BAHHH!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me!! I'm not the one who wanted to walk into Minex Jewelery okayyyyy..?? Just because my finger is small and can't fit into any of the rings I want doesn't mean you can make fun of me. =P nyah nyah nyahhh!!! But I still love you. XD
Anyway we went to the Hypermart after that and we had the craziest time there and people kept looking at us and at one point I did a piroutte in the middle of nowhere and my arm knocked Suleen and my bag of cookies flew away and we actually had to squat down and laughed so hard the grandpa nearby kept staring at us. And the cashiers had to crack me up even more by making a joke about my cookie's torn plastic bag and I was stuck squating next to the counter laughing my head off and the cashiers kept laughing at me and scolding the guy for making me laugh and he just had to go and tell the cashier at the other counter and made me laugh even more. Now my tummy's so cramped and my back hurts really bad. And I had even more laughs in the car with my dumdum-ness. Being her radio, I was singing 'If I Was The One' and she just had to spoil bits of the song. =.= So, I had lotsa laugh today. Missed baby terribly but I'll be seeing him tomorrow and he said he's gonna give me a lap dance? =D Baby's getting sexier by the day hehehehehe. Mwah!!
That's all for now. =D Goodnight people!!
What's with your dumb ego?? My past was never about you heck I can show you the whole stupid chat history from the first day we chatted till today for goodness sake! I never bother to mention about you and what makes you think I even CARE to think about you?? I've never mentioned anything about you in my blog except for that dumb stupid birthday wish. If you think all these while my emo posts were about you then you must be crazy. I've never had anything to do with you so why the heck would I post about you?? Stop being so dumb for goodness sake! It's all about my ex and never once about you. Heck, I NEVER EVEN CARED ABOUT YOU!!! I have my own boyfriend and my life is good enough so what makes YOU think that I'm jealous and trying to mess things up? I NEVER EVER LIKED YOU AT ALL FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!! SO MIND WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY BEFORE YOU BLAME OTHERS JUST LIKE THAT BECAUSE IT'S JUST STUPID AND SO IMMATURE OF YOURSELF!!!!! IF YOU THINK I'M LYING I CAN JUST SHOW YOU THE WHOLE STUPID HISTORY!! ASK YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! I'M NOT TRYING TO PROVE INNOCENT BUT I DESERVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THIS OUT BECAUSE I STILL HAVE MY NAME TO KEEP AND IN MY ENTIRE LIFE I'VE NEVER EVER TRIED TO MESS PEOPLE'S RELATIONSHIP UP WHAT'S MORE TO SAY YOURS WHEN I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL! AND IF YOU HAVE NOTICED I'M LIVING A HAPPY AND GOOD LIFE NOW SO I DON'T GET WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'M JEALOUS OF YOUR LIFE WHEN IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME AND MY LIFE IS GOOD ENOUGH AND I'M EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH MINE!
Anyway, I started Ms. J's second assignment for me once I reached there. =)
Ms. J came to collect the cup and the door knob sign while I was halfway done with the sign. She said she told her daughter and her daughter is SUPER excited to see the sign. Anyway, she was pleased with the cup. It's the one with the butterflies. Then she assigned me with more work to do. 4 more mugs. And I have to write chinese characters for one of it which I don't know HOWWW am I gonna do that cause I know zilch bout chinese. =S I started working on the toughest assignment.
Ms. J : Ivannaaaa, okay let me tell you what I want. I want 4 mugs, *blablablablablabla* *explaining the designs for the son's, the godsons, the daughter's [doomed]* Okay maybe for my daughter's one you can draw one of the disney princesses?
Me : O.o Er.. Yeah sure..
Ms. J : Yeah okay cause she likes those stuff and maybe for my son you can draw cars those things?
Me : Uhuh.. Yeah sure no problem..
Ms. J : Okay *blablablablabla* I'll collect them tomorrow then?
Me : Ahhh tomorrow? Might not be able to finish then soon then. Maybe only 2 or 3 of it?
Ms. J : In that case.. Hmm.. Okay let me tell you which is more important first.. *blablablablablablabla*
Me : Uhuh.. Okay sure. Yeah no problem. *smiles*
Ms. J : Okay thanks Ivanna!
Me : No problem!
Tomorrow is SATURDAY!!! It's my OFF DAYYY!!!! =(
Cinthy Che : Wah tomorrow overtime?
Me : Hehehe.
Ms. J : Huh? Overtime?
Cinthy Che : Yeah cause tomorrow is their off day.
Ms. J : Oh no wonder she said she might not be able to get them done. Okay so maybe you just get one done for me. I need it by Sunday. Is that alright?
Me : Yeah okay no problem.
Cinthy Che : Haha she can finish it. But have to see her mood.
Ms. J : Yeah I understand. Artists need to be in the right mood to work otherwise they won't feel the inspiration.
Cinthy Che : Yeah can I'm sure she can finish it. As long as I don't give her other things to do and let her spend the whole day with the mugs.
Me : *eyes widen*
Ms. J : Yeah okay so I guess that's all now so I'll come back tomorrow. Alright byeee!!
First thing in my head, STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh.. Work on the toughest..
Now, let me introduce. =) *ahem*
Anyway was on the phone with baby. Felt so stressed till I cried on the phone while talking to him and he was asking me to go over and eat cause I've not eaten the whole day but I didn't get to cause I had to finish working on my assignment first. =( Sorry baby.. Went to Sushi King again after that with Suleen and we ate a lot but actually it wasn't a lot.
Oh yea, my dumdum-ness was making fun of me before we went to Sushi King. There were three wedding studios doing road show and when we walked past, 2 representatives handed me the leaflet.
Me : Do I look like I'm getting married??
Suleen : LoL!!!
Me : Or maybe they just want me to be their model. XD
Suleen : Nawww it's because you look old.
Me : =.= No I don't..
Suleen : Yes you doooo... Actually you look older than me. XD
Me : @^@&*&!%
Alvin came over and when we were going up there was this guy handing flyers and he just had to miss the people in front of me and pass the flyer to me. =.=
Again, dumdum-ness made fun of me.
DD : Hahahaha!!!!!! First you were asked to get married. Now you're asked to prepare a house!!
Me : =.= Whattttt... Oh yea I got two wedding flyers does that mean I'm gonna marry twice? Like marry then divorce or something then remarry?? Huh huh huh??
DD : Maybe??? Hahahahhahahaha!!!!
Me : =.= BAHHH!!!!!!!!!
Excuse me!! I'm not the one who wanted to walk into Minex Jewelery okayyyyy..?? Just because my finger is small and can't fit into any of the rings I want doesn't mean you can make fun of me. =P nyah nyah nyahhh!!! But I still love you. XD
Anyway we went to the Hypermart after that and we had the craziest time there and people kept looking at us and at one point I did a piroutte in the middle of nowhere and my arm knocked Suleen and my bag of cookies flew away and we actually had to squat down and laughed so hard the grandpa nearby kept staring at us. And the cashiers had to crack me up even more by making a joke about my cookie's torn plastic bag and I was stuck squating next to the counter laughing my head off and the cashiers kept laughing at me and scolding the guy for making me laugh and he just had to go and tell the cashier at the other counter and made me laugh even more. Now my tummy's so cramped and my back hurts really bad. And I had even more laughs in the car with my dumdum-ness. Being her radio, I was singing 'If I Was The One' and she just had to spoil bits of the song. =.= So, I had lotsa laugh today. Missed baby terribly but I'll be seeing him tomorrow and he said he's gonna give me a lap dance? =D Baby's getting sexier by the day hehehehehe. Mwah!!
That's all for now. =D Goodnight people!!
What's with your dumb ego?? My past was never about you heck I can show you the whole stupid chat history from the first day we chatted till today for goodness sake! I never bother to mention about you and what makes you think I even CARE to think about you?? I've never mentioned anything about you in my blog except for that dumb stupid birthday wish. If you think all these while my emo posts were about you then you must be crazy. I've never had anything to do with you so why the heck would I post about you?? Stop being so dumb for goodness sake! It's all about my ex and never once about you. Heck, I NEVER EVEN CARED ABOUT YOU!!! I have my own boyfriend and my life is good enough so what makes YOU think that I'm jealous and trying to mess things up? I NEVER EVER LIKED YOU AT ALL FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!! SO MIND WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY BEFORE YOU BLAME OTHERS JUST LIKE THAT BECAUSE IT'S JUST STUPID AND SO IMMATURE OF YOURSELF!!!!! IF YOU THINK I'M LYING I CAN JUST SHOW YOU THE WHOLE STUPID HISTORY!! ASK YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND FOR GOODNESS SAKE!! I'M NOT TRYING TO PROVE INNOCENT BUT I DESERVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THIS OUT BECAUSE I STILL HAVE MY NAME TO KEEP AND IN MY ENTIRE LIFE I'VE NEVER EVER TRIED TO MESS PEOPLE'S RELATIONSHIP UP WHAT'S MORE TO SAY YOURS WHEN I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT YOU AT ALL! AND IF YOU HAVE NOTICED I'M LIVING A HAPPY AND GOOD LIFE NOW SO I DON'T GET WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'M JEALOUS OF YOUR LIFE WHEN IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME AND MY LIFE IS GOOD ENOUGH AND I'M EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH MINE!
ReplyDeleteGirl Power!
Show him your muscle!
p/s: suleen is so hot!