Baby came over around 2.. =D And I got distracted the whole day but I'm not complaining.. =) Played Game of Forfeit with baby and the funniest thing happened cause I rejected him and then I had to apologize and cheer him up again. Hehehe sorry baby.. =* Went to watch Ironman at 8 after work. My dear babe lent me her car so she dropped herself off at Swinburne where her baby was waiting. So went off to Star and got our tix. Ironman is good. =) After that baby felt like eating seow bee so drove him to Open Air. He had char sio pau too. Aww.. My bombom. =D Then we were deciding whether to play bball or not cause Alvin called to ask baby and ended up not going. Went to Alvin's and baby was keeping me warm in bed. Alvin was dedicating songs on the guitar to Suleen. Came home after that. Guess that's all now.. =)
My Japanese samurai.
Sexy cat. XD
Baby next to me. =) I see a tattoo on him.
Baby's VD cap. I likeee!!! XD
My baby. Cute and sweet.
Baby gave me a tattoo. And I had to go public with this. It's on my leg!! Just above my knee!!! And if others wanna read they'll have to read upside down. Great way to get people to stare at my legs dear. Don't you complain now.. =P
I took revenge. See his hand? Oh yea.. My baby's strong. He carried me down the stairs too. XD
My revenge on him XD I'm super ego. hehehe.
Double revenge.. My property. =D
Baby playing with Peanut.
Our 'tattoo'.
Home sweet home. =)
Oh yea.. baby bullied me today. So badly that my back still hurts actually. I came out from the toilet at the shop and I didn't know he was hiding in the backroom so he went boo! when I walked past and I actually screamed and turned around and slammed my back hard onto the wall and they were all laughing at me. I was laughing hard myself and crumpled down to the floor. My back ached like crazy and now it's aching again. Grr... my baby can get really mean at times.. Hmph! I shall revenge soon.. (;
Oh yea.. baby bullied me today. So badly that my back still hurts actually. I came out from the toilet at the shop and I didn't know he was hiding in the backroom so he went boo! when I walked past and I actually screamed and turned around and slammed my back hard onto the wall and they were all laughing at me. I was laughing hard myself and crumpled down to the floor. My back ached like crazy and now it's aching again. Grr... my baby can get really mean at times.. Hmph! I shall revenge soon.. (;
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