pictures only. think you get what I've been doing. =)
waiting for my parents to get home.
cause I forgot the keys. =S
She was staring at..... Ahhhhh!! hehehe
My baby looks cute..
So adorable. *melts*
After dropping baby home..
Waiting for baby.. =)
Went to Jase with baby and Happy. Suleen and Alvin were supposed to go but my baby boohs was too tired she pigged out.. Aww.. Hugsss!!
Love this view..
My 'mummy' working hard on her assignments.
I love this placeeeee... It's so nice.. Even baby agrees with me..
By Happy. The window.. =)
Blackout. Hehe.
Baby engrossed in his Tennis game.
Finally noticed me.
And got camera shy. Aww..
Not so shy anymore.. Hehe.
Him : Dear why aren't you smiling??
So he made me smile.. Hehehe =*
Me : Why are you looking at me like that??
Him : I want to. How?
Me : Shyyyy.. Hehehe
For looking at me. =D
His funny face. Hehehe.
Disturbing my tea.
Him : Don't wantttt.. Don't take anymore.
Me : Waaahhh!!! *snaps* Said don't want but you're still looking at the camera!!
Him : Hehehehe..
Me : Chehh..
He's my fav pillow.. Soft and cuddly.. =*
My fav pic of the day. =D
He's always posing like this.. Aduh..
Don't kill meee!!!!!
I was falling asleep.. =3
Then he fell asleep on me.. Mwah!!
Pics by Happy now..
He thinks it's fascinating when I pour my tea..
He finally noticed the camera.. Hehehe.
And started posing.. =*
He cupped my mouth for no reason.. Grr..
Then disturbed me..
And started reading his own messages in my phone..
Keeps me warm..
Baby wanted to drive after that.. =)
My baby drivinggggg...!!!! =D
I miss my baby already.. Miss him so much.. =)
Went to Jase with baby and Happy. Suleen and Alvin were supposed to go but my baby boohs was too tired she pigged out.. Aww.. Hugsss!!
Him : I want to. How?
Me : Shyyyy.. Hehehe
Me : Waaahhh!!! *snaps* Said don't want but you're still looking at the camera!!
Him : Hehehehe..
Me : Chehh..
Pics by Happy now..
Baby wanted to drive after that.. =)
I miss my baby already.. Miss him so much.. =)
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