Anyway, got really REALLY clumsy today. Cut myself. Again. TWICE. =.= No. I wasn't being suicidal. It was an accident. For real. It hurts badly. Kinda. Stings actually. On my left palm too. Most of my cuts are on the left side. Hmm.. Plus, I still have some paper cuts from the last few days or weeks ago. I get one every few days. Hmmmmmm...... AAARRrrrggghhhHHHhh!!! =(
How did I get it? Let me show you.
Anyway went for class after work. I LOVE GRAND JETES!!! =D Cross my heart I'll just do grand jetes my whole entire life. Maybe flip jetes too. Hmm. Oh.. Grand Jetes, is the flying splits that you see me doing in the picture several posts below. =) Though, now my ankle is aching like mad. And I'm up to four classes tomorrow. Maybe four maybe more. I'm gonna die. =( Sigh. Baby's gonna kill me when he reads this. I'm doomed. By him now. =( It's not that I never listen. But it's that I can't not dance. =( I'm already having a hard time with them biting my tail that I've been skipping so many classes. If I listen to you, I get it from them. If I listen to them, I get it from you. Who am I suppose to listen to??? =( Sigh...
Oh yea. Both Suleen and I got cranky at each other today. Somehow she was super sensitive today. Mention one thing she'll relate it to another thing and accuse you of insulting her and then she'll keep bringing it up when you've already changed topic. =.= What to do, Alvin wasn't there. She went insane. Fuuhhhh.. *sweats* I got cranky cause a group of girls came in to do badges and they just randomly drew circles on the colour paper and thus, wasted a lot of space. The paper? Can't be used anymore. The remains were bits here and there. Can't even find a big enough space to make a badge. Wasting!!!!! =.= Got annoyed cause.. I don't know. Weird. Oh well. Happy came. Both of them decided to nap. But both didn't get to nap. Customers came in. Oh yea. Cinthy Che left for SG this morning but she's back now. So yep! I was given the keys yesterday and some cash. Suleen picked me up this morning. I didn't know she was waiting outside for about 2 mins and at that time I text her and asked her where she was. Hmm.. Okay. End post. Goodnight. I'm boreddddd!!!! Don't blame me.. =(
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