Went to Sharing Planet with baby, Suleen and Alvin on Monday night. After work, Suleen and I went to Hock Lee. Baby had dinner with his family then came over to meet up with us. We were playing bumper cars in the arcade while baby stood and watched and pouted and wondering when would we be done. Then we played Daytona and didn't even notice Alvin's arrival. XD Took Suleen's car with baby and off we go to Sharing Planet. I had salad and onion rings which I shared with baby. Suleen and Alvin had onion rings, regular fries, wedges, chicken maryland, chicken tenderloin, garlic toast which tasted just too bitter that it was worse than wasabi, and also salad. Fuuhhh!! But we shared a lil here and there anyway. Then we hung out at my house till about 1. Suleen and Alvin hogged my bed so baby and I took the other bed and were gonna watch Ah Long Pte Ltd but the stupid dvd kept getting jammed and we gave up and watched Youtube. Poor baby got so uncomfortable in his pants he had to change to a pair of guy pants I found in my closet. It's mine my mum's okayyyy. But she gave it to me and I used to wear that for PE in school when I was so gutso fatso. XD Anyway, to sum it up, I actually had fun. Except the part baby kept playing the tennis game in his phone. =( Oh well, here goes pictures!
Messy table? XD
Bloated and happy.
They camwhored with my cam while I went to toilet with baby.
Back from toilet and playing.
Baby said 'Hey! Don't do that! Careful dear..' XD
My shining light.
Happy poser.
Baby's always checking my phone.
Especially when I'm away from my phone. So I made out with the 'frame'.
Baby got jealous and came to carry me away.
Yes I'm serious. He carried me. =D
My male model. =*
Tired and bloated.
Our feet.
Baby's camera shy.
But not after I gave him a kiss. =)
See! Checking my phone again. Haiyo.... XD
Hehehe sorry but I didn't get to take any pics at my place. =)
Hehehe sorry but I didn't get to take any pics at my place. =)
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