Day 2 with my baby.
Took the car out around 5 and went to pick baby up. Dumdum guy didn't check his phone and turned out in red hot. *coughs* =DWas in a cranky mood today but baby managed to crack a lil smile on my face after 'pampering' me in the car. =* Anyway we went to Spring so he can reload his phone then we went to Food & Tea!! Hah..... Suleen you should have seen the guy's face.. XD Anyway he wanted to go to Ta Kiong a while so he dragged me in and baby was telling me what cookies and stuff are nice to eat. *makes mental note to try them out* =) Whaattt....??? I trust his taste okay? =) After that we went to pay the parking ticket then baby mentioned he needed to order his contact lenses so we went down again to the optic shop and stuff. Then suddenly he remembered that I have to exit 15 mins after I pay my ticket so we rushed up then he realized he didn't get to ask the brand of the contact lense so we went down again. And we were walking really fast to the car after that. But we got through anyway. =) Then we went to Pending to have Steamboat with his friends, Ji Sung, Cynthia[don't remember actually =S] and another girl which I didn't get intro-ed.. And they say I look like his sister..[?] And Suleen had to reply my sms by saying "Don't you know you can't date your bro?" YOU NINGKYMPEEP DUMDUM!!! =P Ate a bit and felt so bloated but the food was really good but I was bloated so I can't bloat myself even more. After that we were following behind Ji Sung's car back to baby's place cause he wants to sleepover at Ji Sung's and he told me last minute so I got a bit crankier. And my crankyness got worse than ever when we reached so after trying to get me to talk but failed terribly he called Ji Sung to cancel the plan which made me feel guilty and worse than ever only. He had to make me park my car at the side cause I refused to move, talk, anything at all. And I really felt bad and angry at myself for being selfish. =( Sometimes I don't make a good girlfriend and I know that very well and I know that it's not nice at all. Sigh. After turning off everything he came to my side and had to drag me out of the car and brought me upstairs to calm me down. And his brother was being funny cause when we entered he ran all the way upstairs and hid in the room. Lol. Calmed down after a while and apologized to baby cause I really really feel bad and I still do even though he said it's okay. =( Went to the playground after that then it started raining so he walked me to the car where we camwhored a little before he had to go in before his mum reaches home. Went home after that around 10. Called baby when I got home but he couldn't really talk cause his mum was around. Hmm.. Anyway, baby's doing sit-ups now cause he wants to have abs like me. Hehehe. He feels fat even though he's not. Dear, you're good enough for me. Don't have to add any other things k? Mwah! =* Nothing much now. Gotta work tomorrow. And might be going swimming but it's still not confirmed so yeps. Guess that's all. =)
Checking myself first. Vain right? =)
Checking his look. Lol.
Why do my eyes look smaller than his..? I was threatened to be able to take pics. A kiss per pic. Cheh. Bully me. As usual.. =)
I was laughing. He looks shocked. Hehehe.
My sweetness. =)
And I'm missing you like crazy already.. 5 hours with you is so not enough for me. =(
Anyway, seriously hoping to see him tomorrow. =( I've only got 8 days left and it kills. Really..
Sorry I got selfish and cranky today and made you cancel your plan. =( I still feel bad and guilty for it and wish I hadn't been so cranky. I made you frustrated cause you couldn't cheer me up. It's your first time seeing me cranky and mad and.. argh.. Just wanna apologize. Even though you said it's okay, but I still can't forgive myself for being that way cause I hate making people frustrated and I hate being self-centered and now you're stuck at home. =( Sorry baby.. Really sorry.. =( Treat you out to a nice dinner kay?? Sorry dear.. Hugsss.. =*
Took the car out around 5 and went to pick baby up. Dumdum guy didn't check his phone and turned out in red hot. *coughs* =DWas in a cranky mood today but baby managed to crack a lil smile on my face after 'pampering' me in the car. =* Anyway we went to Spring so he can reload his phone then we went to Food & Tea!! Hah..... Suleen you should have seen the guy's face.. XD Anyway he wanted to go to Ta Kiong a while so he dragged me in and baby was telling me what cookies and stuff are nice to eat. *makes mental note to try them out* =) Whaattt....??? I trust his taste okay? =) After that we went to pay the parking ticket then baby mentioned he needed to order his contact lenses so we went down again to the optic shop and stuff. Then suddenly he remembered that I have to exit 15 mins after I pay my ticket so we rushed up then he realized he didn't get to ask the brand of the contact lense so we went down again. And we were walking really fast to the car after that. But we got through anyway. =) Then we went to Pending to have Steamboat with his friends, Ji Sung, Cynthia[don't remember actually =S] and another girl which I didn't get intro-ed.. And they say I look like his sister..[?] And Suleen had to reply my sms by saying "Don't you know you can't date your bro?" YOU NINGKYMPEEP DUMDUM!!! =P Ate a bit and felt so bloated but the food was really good but I was bloated so I can't bloat myself even more. After that we were following behind Ji Sung's car back to baby's place cause he wants to sleepover at Ji Sung's and he told me last minute so I got a bit crankier. And my crankyness got worse than ever when we reached so after trying to get me to talk but failed terribly he called Ji Sung to cancel the plan which made me feel guilty and worse than ever only. He had to make me park my car at the side cause I refused to move, talk, anything at all. And I really felt bad and angry at myself for being selfish. =( Sometimes I don't make a good girlfriend and I know that very well and I know that it's not nice at all. Sigh. After turning off everything he came to my side and had to drag me out of the car and brought me upstairs to calm me down. And his brother was being funny cause when we entered he ran all the way upstairs and hid in the room. Lol. Calmed down after a while and apologized to baby cause I really really feel bad and I still do even though he said it's okay. =( Went to the playground after that then it started raining so he walked me to the car where we camwhored a little before he had to go in before his mum reaches home. Went home after that around 10. Called baby when I got home but he couldn't really talk cause his mum was around. Hmm.. Anyway, baby's doing sit-ups now cause he wants to have abs like me. Hehehe. He feels fat even though he's not. Dear, you're good enough for me. Don't have to add any other things k? Mwah! =* Nothing much now. Gotta work tomorrow. And might be going swimming but it's still not confirmed so yeps. Guess that's all. =)
Anyway, seriously hoping to see him tomorrow. =( I've only got 8 days left and it kills. Really..
Sorry I got selfish and cranky today and made you cancel your plan. =( I still feel bad and guilty for it and wish I hadn't been so cranky. I made you frustrated cause you couldn't cheer me up. It's your first time seeing me cranky and mad and.. argh.. Just wanna apologize. Even though you said it's okay, but I still can't forgive myself for being that way cause I hate making people frustrated and I hate being self-centered and now you're stuck at home. =( Sorry baby.. Really sorry.. =( Treat you out to a nice dinner kay?? Sorry dear.. Hugsss.. =*
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