Hmm.. I'm actually lazy to blog. Hehehe. Work was fine today. Alone. Suleen moved already!! =( Happy came to accompany me. She finds it fun to tickle me. Ahhh.. Anyway I've been eating bread the WHOLE day. Bread for late breakfast, bread for late lunch, bread for late dinner. I feel like a loaf. =P I've nothing much to blog about actually but people expect daily update from me as knowing me, I update my blog everyday without fail with at least 2-3 posts a day. Resulting in I already have 22 posts for May including this and this is my 609th post. =) Okay. I know there's been people talking in my chatbox, AGAIN. Let me just clear somethings in case anyone of you think like wise. =)
abu: ur bf flirts with lotsa girls in da club ya noe?? just advicing u.
abu: u can go check out some ppl'z blog.u c him wit girlz n stuff. and he even taggeddddd them on e chatter boxy. nvr urs?
abu: and dat certain 'blogger' is really close withim. chauz.
1) How do you know that my bf flirts in clubs? If you're adviSing me you wouldn't tell it to me in this manner. Other than trying to give people the wrong impression of him, you're trying to say that my boyfriend is a flirt. And you're telling it to my whole blog and just gonna make everyone think that my boyfriend is some sort of player.
2) I blog hop a lot and yeah I've seen maybe two or three pictures. Then again, it's a whole bunch of dudes and dudettes. So I don't get what's wrong. Furthermore, what's wrong with taking pictures with girls? Okay, I hang out with guys and play around with guys too sometimes but I still don't get the picture. And yeah, I take picture with guys too sometimes. It's rare and only those really close ones.
3) So what if he tagged [I don't get why you had to exaggerate on the word 'tagged' so much] in their chatbox? He tagged in mine before. Knowing him, he hardly tags in people's blog. Only when he finds something fascinating to say. It doesn't bug me that he doesn't tag in my chatbox. So I don't get why it bugs you.
4) And mind, who is that 'certain blogger'? Please specify yourself? If you're advising me then why don't you leave some blog links here for me to see for myself? That would be really nice and sweet of you then. =)
I don't get your whole point of coming into my blog and tag like this. If somehow you're hoping I'll lose trust on my boyfriend and have the whole relationship mess up, then you're wrong. Because that won't happen and I trust my boyfriend. If he wants to flirt with girls, cheat on me, that's his problem and his own lost. But let me state this again, I TRUST MY BOYFRIEND. Even though he's distant from me and I can't see him with my own eyes. My heart trusts him so that's all that matters. Don't try to ruin things. Thanks.
Yesterday, 150508, marks my 3rd month anniversary with my baby. =) Somehow it feels longer than that for me. It's been 91 days. Eventhough it's been 91 days and we've only been together side by side for about 15 days not including CNY, every bit of memory is flashing back in front of me. From the first time we saw each other on webcam, the first time we met at Spring during Chinese New Year 08, the first time we made body contact when he touched my cut in front of my house at 4+ in the morning, when I went to KL in march to surprise him and spent every minute and every second with him, when he came back two weeks ago, every single night we spent while he was here, even though it's not a lot but it means a lot. =) Baby, I miss you. We've both had a looonnnggg night last night. Sorry about it. I know you don't like talking about what's already happened but I just wanna apologize. =) I miss you dear. =) Happy 3 months again. =*
You make my world. =)
Mwah mwah!! =*
abu: ur bf flirts with lotsa girls in da club ya noe?? just advicing u.
abu: u can go check out some ppl'z blog.u c him wit girlz n stuff. and he even taggeddddd them on e chatter boxy. nvr urs?
abu: and dat certain 'blogger' is really close withim. chauz.
1) How do you know that my bf flirts in clubs? If you're adviSing me you wouldn't tell it to me in this manner. Other than trying to give people the wrong impression of him, you're trying to say that my boyfriend is a flirt. And you're telling it to my whole blog and just gonna make everyone think that my boyfriend is some sort of player.
2) I blog hop a lot and yeah I've seen maybe two or three pictures. Then again, it's a whole bunch of dudes and dudettes. So I don't get what's wrong. Furthermore, what's wrong with taking pictures with girls? Okay, I hang out with guys and play around with guys too sometimes but I still don't get the picture. And yeah, I take picture with guys too sometimes. It's rare and only those really close ones.
3) So what if he tagged [I don't get why you had to exaggerate on the word 'tagged' so much] in their chatbox? He tagged in mine before. Knowing him, he hardly tags in people's blog. Only when he finds something fascinating to say. It doesn't bug me that he doesn't tag in my chatbox. So I don't get why it bugs you.
4) And mind, who is that 'certain blogger'? Please specify yourself? If you're advising me then why don't you leave some blog links here for me to see for myself? That would be really nice and sweet of you then. =)
I don't get your whole point of coming into my blog and tag like this. If somehow you're hoping I'll lose trust on my boyfriend and have the whole relationship mess up, then you're wrong. Because that won't happen and I trust my boyfriend. If he wants to flirt with girls, cheat on me, that's his problem and his own lost. But let me state this again, I TRUST MY BOYFRIEND. Even though he's distant from me and I can't see him with my own eyes. My heart trusts him so that's all that matters. Don't try to ruin things. Thanks.
Yesterday, 150508, marks my 3rd month anniversary with my baby. =) Somehow it feels longer than that for me. It's been 91 days. Eventhough it's been 91 days and we've only been together side by side for about 15 days not including CNY, every bit of memory is flashing back in front of me. From the first time we saw each other on webcam, the first time we met at Spring during Chinese New Year 08, the first time we made body contact when he touched my cut in front of my house at 4+ in the morning, when I went to KL in march to surprise him and spent every minute and every second with him, when he came back two weeks ago, every single night we spent while he was here, even though it's not a lot but it means a lot. =) Baby, I miss you. We've both had a looonnnggg night last night. Sorry about it. I know you don't like talking about what's already happened but I just wanna apologize. =) I miss you dear. =) Happy 3 months again. =*
Mwah mwah!! =*
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